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Skill Specialist Collective.


The VTID Skill Specialist Collective is a compilation of alumni who have designated themselves as possessing a high proficiency in a specified skill, software, or craft, and are willing to aid faculty or student leaders by instructing a virtual lesson or tutorial for current students. Are you a VTID alum and want to be a part of the Skill Specialist Collective? Sign up!

How does it work?


When a faculty member or VTIDSA officer feels that their students would benefit significantly from instruction by an alumni with more advanced, additional, and/or different skills and/or perspectives from themselves, they can submit a request. An example request could be if a professor teaching a course is in need of an alum who is a pro in KeyShot and has an hour to lead a workshop. IDAB will reach out to those in the Skill Specialist Collective who meet the needs of the requesting faculty member, find out who is available, and connect the faculty member to the first willing alum.



Specialties and Respective Volunteer Count


The list and volunteer count will continue to grow as IDAB receives more information from VTID alumni. Please note that all an asterisk (*) indicates that the specialty was not on the original survey and was added by an alumni respondent.

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