2022 Thesis Mentorship Program
january - may 2022
Industrial design students in their last semester at Virginia Tech work on a final, semester-long project called thesis. This is their opportunity to explore a specific topic of choice, challenge themselves, and demonstrate their design process as they work towards a quality solution. VT’s Industrial Design Advisory Board (IDAB) is working in collaboration with the thesis studio instructors, Elham Morshedzadeh and Martha Sullivan, to provide 1-on-1 opportunities for students to meet with design professionals for progress reviews and mentorship.
Thank You to our 2022 Mentors!
Abby Jetmundsen
Aleyse McNealy
Andrew Camardella
Anna Stapor
Arjun Joseph
Ayan Bhandari
Brian Floyd
Brian Pughe
Cameron Meyer
Campbell Efird
Charlene Lertlumprasert
Chris Crowley
Chris Murray
Claire Butterfield
Cole Powell
Craighton Berman
Daniel Calabrese
Daniel Perry
David Shaltanis
DJ Crowe
Eric Bottelsen
Graham Wilson
Jonathan Beckwith
Jonathan Kim
Jonathan Michel
Joshua Tulkoff
Keith Dandridge
Kirby Emerson
Kylie Quinn
Lodovico Marchesini
Malith Waharaka
Matt Marchand
Max Berney
Michael Kaminsky
Michael Watanbe
Monica Welcker
Patrick Bowers
Peter Yoo
Quinn Huffstetler
Reid Schlegel
Ryan Mauer
Sarah Ahart
Seth Cross
Stacey Farrelly
Stefani Bachetti
Stephen Lynn
Trip Ivey
Zac Fischel